Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Coming Soon:

New photos from Clark Haley's and Harry Smith's $1.00 disposable cameras and "Special" K's $29,000 digital camera will be arriving soon. I hope the $1.00 cameras don't out-perform the digital monster. More videos will be appearing shortly, as well as the movie trailer for "PSU Track Alumni Golf-The Movie". Rock groups are being auditioned to provide the audio for the trailer. Steven Spielberg has expressed interest in directing but after seeing the previews of his latest movie I'm putting him off delicately.

Readers have expressed a desire for a thread-writing ability, but for now you can comment on any post at the bottom of each one (keep it clean), or in the guestbook at the very bottom of the page. These can be viewed by anyone with a simple click, so it will have to do for now. I'm a nerd, just not a good one.

All photo-shows can be clicked on to view in full size, with the appropriate captions included. I still have lots of room on the free server, so if you want to add any, send them my way. Most of all, spread the word, next year is going to be a really fun time for all of us and our families.

All old posts can still be viewed by going to the Blog Archive in the right -hand column. Even monkeys can figure out how to get there, but not all of us idiots!

In another aside, Bill Malchano wants to know who told me how to spell his name. You were wrong, just like Coach always was. Lucky I can't remember who I asked.

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