Thursday, July 3, 2008

Penn Relays Watch Winner Joins Group!

The 70's barrier has been broken (just barely!) by 1979 Penn Relays Marathon Champion Tim Backenstose. He joins our humble cadre of former scholar-athletes with extreme enthusiasm. He promises to help entice others as well. His golf game is as good as mine, I am sure, so Balkey better watch out. He is awarded the coveted 50% off prize promised to the first from his decade to formally announce his candidacy for this coveted honor.

The half-price special still applies to the 90's guys (and I guess the 60's guys as well since Coach started in '68). Remember, we are also having a drawing for Gas Cards from the group of us that convinces a new member to join us. Maybe all meals will be covered while you are in State College and your transportation to and from also! I will wait to formally email the 90's guys until we figure out the exact dates, so please vote.

Also, it is noted that Clark Haley has finally joined the editorial staff here at the blog. His musings and organizational skills are sorely needed. Expect the prose here to soon improve!

Addendum: Dave Spears, an "A" golfer, also joined our ridiculous collection of pseudo-golfers today. Tim's bold and daring decision to take the leap might have had a lot to do with it. Dave will have to confirm, but if true, Tim is also eligible for the gas card drawing. The wonders of PSU Track and Field Alumni Golf never cease!

Addendum II: Congrats to former Harry Groves Memorial Tourney golfer Ryan Olkowski, who came in 11th in the decathlon at the Olympic Trials. We are still waiting for the rest of his foursome to show up!

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