THE GOLF IS OPTIONAL, THE MIRTH IS REQUIRED! The only blog detailing PSU Track and Field, (not always great!) Golf, Physics topics and great videos at the same time! An eclectic mish-mash (mess) of just about everything imaginable. Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfers have honored PSU Track/XC, Coach Harry Groves and abused golf courses throughout Happy Valley since 2002. Help spread the word!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Vacation Ends, Trial Polos Arrive:
The web site was quiet for the past week due to normal maintenance procedures. Not on the server or software, but on me. I took a much needed vacation away from work and even most internet connections. I did however, take the time to visit Boardwalk Embroidery in Ocean City, NJ and mocked up a potential Polo design for next year's reunion. Complimentary copies will be sent out to our two existing biggest benefactors for review, comments and recommendations. A grey t-shirt design is also in the works. (Do they still wear the traditional blues and greys for practice?) The t-shirts will be ideal for all of us that still run! (As if it does me any good!) Only those attending the event will be eligible for this heirloom item. Cost will be approx. $35.00. (You can afford it big guy!) No profit will be made on any shirts sold at the event!
Is that Barry Enright on the right?