Tuesday, September 9, 2008

End of Earth Again Debated

I have a bet of 100 dollars that we won't find the Higgs," added Hawking, whose books including "A Brief History of Time"

Official PSU Track Alumni Physicist Stephen Hawking and Nelson Mandela bet against the end of the Earth following the start of the CERN Supercollider in Europe. Some fear that in the search for the "God Particle", black holes will be created destroying the Earth in 8 seconds. (Not kidding! If so, the Tourney is postponed indefinitely!) We already know that only if Coach Groves name appears on the Memorial Cup, will conditions be right for such a catastrophe.


Apparently the Earth was not destroyed on initial testing, but the "big bang" stuff is yet to come. Stephen has not yet won the bet.

Addendum: (9/19/08):http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,425405,00.html

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