Monday, January 19, 2009

World Domination and Internet Chatter:

Our first hit from South America came in today. Brazil adds to our now world-wide presence. Only Antarctica stands between us and total continental acceptance of our mission statement (if we had one).

There has been much activity lately via every form of communication. The internet is humming with PSU Track Alumni Golf activity. This pleases me beyond measure. Also the phone lines, Facebook, and even good old-fashioned snail mail are "off-the-hook"(thanks to Coach's refusal to use electronic means). Thank goodness we're not Homeland Security; we would have to raise the alert level to red.

Coach's communication touched even the hardened hearts of sprinters and jumpers. We've heard from The Bahama's Own, Mike Sands as well as Ed Roskiewicz from Princeton and Darryl Jones from Gettysburg. They spin tails of workouts gone by. Even three time Olympian Mike Sands has admitted to "misreading" Coach's scrawled workout sheets. I can see how some would read Coach's scribbles as 6 X hill as opposed to 10 X hill as it was originally written. I also note that "warm up to hill" makes no mention of stashing a car near the hill, so "no harm, no foul". Others have called for Mike to assume organization of next year's event IN THE BAHAMAS. Hmmm, sounds interesting.

Ed has enlightened us with what he considers the "worst" of the sprinters/jumpers workouts. Apparently, the "Super D" put the fear of God into all of them like no other. A 600/500/400/300/200 was interspersed with sit-ups, push-ups etc. Points were awarded for fast times and numbers of exercises completed between them. It does sound sort of difficult. Vomiting was mostly the result, although I don't think points were awarded for it.

I will try to defend the distance guys workouts though. I NEVER ran less than Coach had written on the board at Rec Hall (or Beaver Stadium later). My freshman year, Bruce Baden and John Ziegler made every 15 mile run at least 18 miles. I'm not sure I ever puked, but I never ate 7 Reuben sandwiches either (Ed's favorite dorm meal). My favorite dorm meal was the cheesesteaks with the ladeled cheese, (as I was never able to partake in the Chicken Cosmo my sister later bragged about). I do remember eating 12 or 13 bowls of the strawberry/bananas, my favorite dessert. Only Gary could eat more.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VERY funny post!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rofl


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