Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rodent Dissappoints All Golfers: Other Rodents Applaud

Phil the Wonder Hog wimped out again and skittered back into his hole when confronted with his shadow. Despite having a day named after him and a 24/7 gig any of us would envy, Phil just can't get it together enough to defeat his fears. Golfers everywhere sighed and lamented the much needed practice time prior to The 8th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament. Get your entries in now! We are tantalizingly close to achieving the magic number to trigger the $10,000 prize for a hole-in-one. There is always indoor mini-golf for practice!

Update: Staten Island Phil gives us all hope for the future by biting the tax and spend "Republican" Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg*. The rodent was "apparently" going after a corn cob. Yeah, right! That's the ticket, I wanted the corn cob. I've got to remember that the next time I bite the mayor.

*Political references are getting out of hand around here.

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