Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All You Need to Know About Bailouts!

The guvment, (who negotiated everything about the bailout of AIG and owns just short of 80% of it), will now require that it pay back the $165, 000,000 in bonuses it has already paid employees who were necessary to clean up the mess, (and also caused it!). The guvment is then paying us taxpayers back by taking less of our money to replace the money we gave them that they already handed out in bonuses? Isn't this the kind of accounting that created problems in the first place?

People should already be in jail for this, but we need the Congressmen and Senators too much now to actually get rid of them!***

***Views expressed, although accurate, do not necessarily reflect the views of blog officers. And don't get me started on The War on Man-Caused Disasters, formerly known as terrorism.

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