Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keeping Up with PSU Track Alum Golfers on Facebook

There might not be any way to keep up with Carl Wolter. And maybe no one would want to keep up with Brian Boyer, since that's him visiting Chernobyl.

Carl Wolter may be our only PSU Track Alum that is a Golf Professional. He makes a living by hitting a golf ball very far. And I do mean very far. So far that I can't even fathom making a comparison between what I do 3 or 4 times a year to what he's able to do. Carl holds the record for the greatest margin of victory at the World Long Drive Championships. He has hit a ball 451 yards in competition and 542 yards on a par 5 hole! (I often use "cheater" golf balls to get that extra 5 yards to make it to the fairway!) Beth Shisler is hoping he doesn't show up at our tourney to steal "Mike" the silver divot tool( and silver tee) from her. (Are you coming Carl?)

Brian Boyer has traveled the world as part of the IAEA inspection team, and now finds himself in Los Alamos, New Mexico. My fascination with physicists gets a little relief talking with Brian on occasion, as Los Alamos was the home of my hero, Richard Feynman, when he was working on The Bomb. Maybe Brian could bring me one of those Feynman T-shirts as a swap with our PSU Track Alumni Golf T-shirt (which is provided gratis by me to those attending our reunion!). * ( If Brian can make it from New Mexico, you lazy bums from Philly, Ohio, New Jersey and Harrisburg better make an effort!) Addendum: Lazy bum Mark Haywood finally signed up! That leaves Philly, New Jersey and Ohio (and you know who you are!)

*Let's not hype the shirts too much; I'm making them up on the cheap and my "final assembly" is not being done by the professionals in China, but by Gary Black in Virginia! The quality of the shirts will at least match the quality of my writing on this blog!

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