Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Brain Hurts, Coverage at 11PM

Its getting ridiculously close to Spring now. It was actually 66 degrees in State College last week, a temperature usually only reached the weekend after July 4. ( Winter rules are in effect in State College all but that weekend according to Coach Groves' adaptation of the Queensbury Rules.) Greg Fredericks actually ran in shorts and a t-shirt, but not an official "Penn State Track Alumni Golf" or "PSU is 800 U" t-shirt you can obtain by coming to our Reunion and/or Golf Outing.

Our little outing has reached the big-time for sure. The AP in New York will send a representative to cover our event! Former PSU Trackster and Collegian Editor Paula Froke will travel to State College for the reunion and hopefully obtain more Coach Groves quotes to keep our little blog fresh.

And my brain hurts, so I've added a Suggestion Box to give me ideas or allow disgruntled readers a chance to vent.

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