Friday, April 24, 2009

An All-American Company

Remember now, Steve Shisler ran on that great Penn Relays 4 X 800 squad which still holds the record at 7:11.17 (!) And yet, when we inquire into it, Beth (Stever) Shisler is the real All-American in the family. (No offense Steve!) In their pursuit of the American Dream, the Shislers have started their own company, Under Your Skin, and will introduce skin-care products to those spouses who wish to avoid the testosterone-crazed reminisces of us morons (and idiot officers!) at The Post-Tourney Celebration. Those on the fence on attending our reunion activities can rest assured everyone will have something they will enjoy at the weekend's activities.

Choices of tours of the All-Sports Museum, the Berkey Creamery and a "hike" to the top of Mt. Nittany (if my daughter can do it, so can you!) for a picnic lunch on Saturday will keep your spouse or children active and safe while you deforest the links at The Elks Club in the shadow of Mt. Nittany. (Not really in the shadow, but close enough.) There really are no excuses; you know it and I know it. Give in and join us in time to enjoy the comaraderie and friendship of teammates and Coach Groves himself.

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