Thursday, May 14, 2009


It's for real guys (and girls). The 18th hole will pay $10,000 for a hole-in-one from any of us Track alumni hackers. The rules aren't too strict, but we'll make sure to follow them thoroughly. Former Olympian, All-American and American Record Holder Greg Fredericks will serve as our monitor for the hole as well as our Course Marshall. Todd Leggett has signed up, so the Queensbury Rules may be out for everyone except Coach Groves. (Welcome back Todd!) We needed another "A" for sure.

Addendum: Dog photos continue to come in, but make sure to give me names! Cats have sneaked in also, but I'm not sure we need to make it a trend. My 4 seem to disagree with me on this point, however. Oliver, an 18 lb. declawed feline, has snagged a rabbit both of the last 2 nights! I don't know how he does it. I'll decide later about other cats. The more dogs the merrier!

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