Monday, May 25, 2009

Largesse From the Big Apple: And Viruses Run Amok

Phil Passen sends his greeting from The Big Apple. He can't make it this year, but I have him on the hook for next year. He may not realize just how bad our golfers really are! He has generously endowed our bank account with a substantial contribution and has been rewarded with t-shirts, bracelets and refrigerator magnets. Commodities must be lucrative even in a recession!

Dave Rihtarchik also expresses his regrets at not making the long drive from Volunteer Country. His dog, Topper graces the cover of our Dog Album, because he is the All-American dog, a beagle.

And Paula Froke can't make it because of work also. So our AP journalist will just have to make up a story or plagiarize something from our blog like the NYT usually does!*

Also, I was off-line for a little while there because of a bad H1N1 Computer Virus. Nasty little bugger made it through Norton 360. Took professional help to get rid of it.

*Maureen Dowd is also unavailable. Paula will be given any necessary items for production of a real story.

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