Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Contest Gets Off to a Good Start!

Our first entrries in the "Around the World Contest" came in with a familiar ring. Jeff Sanden sends us this tidbit from "Jolly Ole England" to start our contest in style. And also, one from the continent, Zurich to be exact. Unfortunately, the Alps don't show up well, but the effort gets an "A". He promises more to come. Remember, it doesn't take world travel to get in the running for my grand prize next year. A photo of you with your t-shirt or wristband, just your wristband or just your t-shirt anywhere around the world that is remotely recognizable will suffice to get you entered in the drawing. Also, merely making this blog your home page (and emailing me about it) will be an entry. You can even do both for double the chances. If you don't have a wrist band or t-shirt, donate to the cause on the right sidebar and you too could be in the running.

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