Thursday, June 18, 2009

Horace Out and About!

Bob Gabel
fills us all in on Horace, the golden putter's exploits since being claimed at the golf outing!

  • Horace was present at the Doylestown Township annual golf outing (Just a guest visit, no putting involved). Picure taken in front of the car awarded to anyone hitting a hole in one on the 5th hole. The car was never in danger (except for my approach shot on the previous fairway which came close to putting a dent in the nice Beamer exterior. I would like to mention that my foursome was 5 under for the day, 7 strokes ahead of our sco re at the Harry Groves outing. Using scientific methodology hone at PSU, I attribute this to the others in my foursome who were obviously dragging me down that day. Just kidding Don, Clark and Rob, I think we only used 3 of my shots all day in Doylestown.
  • Horace taking a well earned vacation day at Sea Ilse city New Jersey. Pictured with my friend Dave Clarke (cheap plug for Clarke's Landscaping here) Horace soaked in the sun and got a nice golden tan. We saw Chicago and Earth Wind & Fire that night at the Borgata. I wasn't a real big fan before but I have to admit that they put on a great show, especially EWF. And to think, those guys are older than us!
Thanks, Bob. I'll get that golden tee to you soon. One of the many things I forgot at the Reunion. I promise I'll be calmer at next year's event.

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