Saturday, June 13, 2009

Major Change in Results Noted!

An informal protest of the rules has been received at Headquarters of Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golf. An infraction involving the dress code has been made by those who normally wear none! The Fierce People have pointed out that by wearing the Official Group's t-shirt in the tourney, Brian Boyer violated the rules of The Elks Club! Collars are normally necessary.

In an emergency meeting of the Rules Committee, along with a thorough reading of the Queensbury Rules, consensus was reached that the winning foursome will stand. However, the 9th place Yanomamo Group will now be awarded the 8th place in our tourney, just behind the two teams in 7th. In an effort to encourage continued participation by the tribe, additional wrist bands and possibly t-shirts will be awarded. ($24 worth of beads were considered.) We hope to dissuade a war at next year's tourney; a war we could not win. Mud Men are some of the fiercest and most relentless warriors the world has known, just look it up.


  1. Dave,

    Can you create a "form" for "formnal" protects or would that just encourage them to be filed?


  2. It would encourage more protests! And it would cot me too much money upgrading the form software I use. They know where to find us!


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