Saturday, July 25, 2009

The City That Never Sleeps!

The Chinatown Outreach Program was an astounding success. Attendees spanned the PSU years of 1973 to well into the 1990's! Pictured is  Phil Passen '92 (also entered in the contest), Herder of Cats Dave Baskwill '81, Nick K. '85, and Roaming Corespondent Rob Whiteside '83. Not pictured is Barb Black '80.

Many topics were discussed including Sharon Stone, golf, running, and how much State College has changed. Attendance at next year's reunion was stressed, but no force was used. Several members of the party were introduced to Kung Pao Chicken, the world's finest food, along with dishes ranging from tofu to duck, beef, tripe, pork and fish. Tsing Tao Beer topped off the festivities well.

Following dinner, those on the Family Plan departed via the Subway, while those on the Deluxe Plan sauntered off for bars unknown. Plans were made for future endevours along the same lines. It turns out the group sauntered to Fanelli's in Soho, tended by a Larry Holmes victim back in the day.

Addendum: An Outreach to Suburban Philadelphia is up next. Plans are in the incubation phase, so stay tuned. Kung Pao and PSU Track are a Splendid Combination.

*Photo by Anne Baskwill

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