Monday, August 3, 2009

The Vacation Continues!

First New York City, then Toronto, and now on to Ocean City, New Jersey! (With a two-day work week in-between each of them.) But now it's time to catch up on some miscellaneous Blog items.

First up, PSU alums continue to impress in Europe:
  • Shana Cox finished second in the 400 M at the London Grand Prix.
  • Toyin Augustus finished 2nd in two 100 Meter Hurdle races in France.
  • Jake Bartholomy won a silver in the 5000 M and the 4 X400 (!) and a gold in both the 800 M and 1500 M in Copenhagen, Denmark. Quite a weekend there!
And three Nittany Lions (or former Nittany Lions) will be competing at the World Championships in Berlin next week.
  • Bridget Franek, 3000 M Steeplechase.
  • Aleesha Barber, 100 M Hurdles (for Trinidad andTobago).
  • Shakeema Welsch, Triple Jump.
Keeper of the Beer and Founder Clark Haley supplies this great link for a golf tip most of us can really use. (Not like the tips on swings and grips that we usually get but can't possibly use because we stink too bad!) How to Throw a Golf Club. No references to Gary Black are intended or implied.

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