Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Higgs Boson Goes Back to the Future?

I'm not making this up.
Danish and Japanese Physicists have postulated time travel may be involved in the continued problems associated with the world's largest nuclear accelerator in Europe! Repeated accidents and just plain bad-luck have besieged the facility from its initial conception. It still only works at part capacity, enabling 7000 scientists to earn a living doing nothing (or conspiring with al Qeada!). (It does have a working cafeteria which isn't too shabby!) The duo of non-conformist physicists conjecture that nature is "rippling back through time" to prevent the making of a Higg's Particle, sometimes referred to as "the God Particle". Some fear this will result in the destruction of the Earth. This is seen as a bad thing by some, but would seem to completely eliminate the negative aspects of global warming and fears of a new world order!

Noted Physicists Heisenberg and Feynman were unavailable for comment. but PSU Track Alumni Physicists pooh-poohed the claims vehemently. Ron Moore, in charge of the world's largest working nuclear accelerator in Illinois offers this assessment, "Two words - bull and sh*t." Brian Boyer also adds "Another crazy physicist", although its actually two of them. But I catch his drift. Ron does add however, "maybe a sentient Higgs field knows that and isn't too worried about being found out". Sounds like an episode of the original Star Trek to me!

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