Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More Alums in the News:

James Carney helped the good ole USA place 4th in the Half Marathon World Championships in Birmingham England over the weekend. James placed 38th with a time of 1:04:00, not his best by far, but good for third place among the Americans.

And Honorary PSU Track Alumni Golfer Rebecca Donoghue placed third at the US 10-K Championships in Boston over the weekend, second place among Americans. Her PR (PB for the newbies!) 32:29 is the lastest in a series of bests this year for our adopted champion. I'm currently waiting for her photos showing her wearing her pink wrist band during the run! She earns a free glow-in-the-dark version for her stellar effort.

And we are up to 83 members on Facebook! Make sure to alert your friends that we exist. Remember, everyone is an Officer in our group. As Grand Poobah (Pubbah), I get to do anything I want. I can even make people eat Kung Pao Chicken!

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