Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to Americans!


Yesterday, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to 3 Americans, today the Physics Prize goes to 3 more Americans. Whatever the ramifications of our current economic crisis and foreign policy crisis, America is still the home of innovation and academic excellence.

The Physics Prize went for the discovery of fiber optic transmission of data and digital imaging, which of course is essential in the everyday practice of young people clicking photos of themselves with their drunk roommate holding 2 beers and then virally spreading it to 597 friends on Facebook! Technology is wonderful to everyone except the Unnabomber.

Addendum: The Chemistry Prize goes to 2 Americans and an Israeli! It keeps getting better and better. The Economics Prize also went to Americans. (And the Peace Prize went to an American too, although some dispute that!**)

* The Feynman Diagram is merely representative of something to do with Physics. No particles were harmed in the writing of this post.
**Not me! (Although our President throws like a girl, prefers arugula to hot dogs, he does in fact own Chevrolet!)

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