Sunday, January 3, 2010

Deep Freeze Affects Nearly Everyone

It's orange season, even in my house. My 20 year-old dwarf tree has more fruit than ever this year and even my 2 year-old tree has some fruit this year. The cats love chasing them around after they fall off the tree. I share Galileo's anxiety at keeping orange trees indoors during the winter. We both are concerned about dropping leaves every winter, albiet his were dropping leaves some 400 years ago. Temperate climes don't treat orange trees well.

As I prepare to head toward Disney World (Trapped Like a Rat II) on Wednesday, I note that the oranges there may be worse off than mine at home. Barb Black prepares for her Goofy Challenge, (a half-marathon on Saturday and a marathon on Sunday). She does this with the assistance of her two knee braces which have resurrected her career. She also has the additional challenge of driving there (with my assistance!) and running with a newly broken rib sustained shoveling snow. I'm thinking of getting her a weight vest just to make it difficult! I will be doing loops of the Port Orleans complex instead, keeping the pitiful streak alive. Running in Disney World sucks even after they have improved it in the past 10 years.

A look at the map shows that the contiguous US States are well below norm in temperatures today. I'm happy my new treadmill room has the temperature set at a great 65 degrees. I'll experiment with it to find the ideal range.

*Luckily, temperatures are expected to be 29 degrees for the Disney Marathon on Sunday. We wouldn't want it to be hot or anything for our vacation.

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