Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Meeting of the Idiot Officers in NIAGARA FALLS!

Actually is was over this new invention, the interweb. Something called email, short for electronic mail. What will they come up with next, a way to watch videos any time you want?

We shored up our conviction for both the Friday night Reunion and the Saturday Post Tournament Celebration (Shisler Shindig) and Awards Ceremony at Damon's this year. Arrangements are underway by your crack team of relentlessly non-procrastinating Idiot Officers!

Friday night fare will be hors douvres and beer and soda, much like our usual get-together has been at the Hampton Inn. If enough of the younger crowd shows this year, maybe we'll even attempt to stay up past 11:00PM! Saturday will be a Damon's dinner of Ribs and Chicken, (and maybe the leftovers from the previous night!) Vegetarians will be accommodated (but possibly gently "ribbed" by the carnivores!) We are an all-inclusive group.

Here's some streaming video of our meeting complete with audio:

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