Monday, March 8, 2010

Gold is a Hedge Against Inflation, OR

The hordes of conspiracy theorists, Fox News viewers and Eeyore's of the world are hoarding gold as a hedge against the devaluation of currency in the coming financial meltdown. (Of course, they may be correct!)  But the rest of us view gold just as we always have, a precious metal for use in jewelry or expensive audio equipment that we no longer can afford.

So it's really cool to see a third class of citizen emerge with even more ignorance of the value of gold: The Physicists!  Scientists with too much time on their hands, too much grant money and a nuclear accelerator to boot have found a way to turn gold into a "negatively strange anti-hypernucleus lying below the plane of ordinary matter and antimatter."  I hope someone amongst our readers can enlighten me on this one!

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