Monday, April 12, 2010

More Idiocy and Certificates!

After the months of hard labor (actually months of procrastination followed by minutes of looking at the 2010 Track media guide), my reward from Steve Shisler was to be quizzed about where the certificate was!  Well, thanks to my 1895 version of Microsoft Publisher, here is the Official Hall of Honor Certificate.  This version actually needs to be signed by three separate officers as indicated, two of which are in the Hall themselves.  Leave it to me to make up a group I don't qualify for!

And in keeping with my moronic self, I missed not one (Barry Robinson) but 2 (Randy Moore) on the original list.  But in my defense, 3 of the 4 idiot officers aren't sure if Randy golfed with us in 2006.  Clark remembers drinking a beer with him on the Blue Course, so according to Coach Groves' liberal use of the Queensbury Rules, that qualifies!  Welcome to the Hall of Honor Randy.

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