Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring PSU Track and Field Newsletter Includes Us!

Penn State Track and Field is growing by leaps and bounds (a triple jump so to speak).  It takes a lot of work to keep up with it, but there are two sure-fire ways to make sure you don't miss any of it.  One is to keep  coming back to this humble blog.  We do our best to keep up, and you'll learn some physics and have some fun along the way.

The second way is to check out the Spring Track Newsletter put out by the Track Program itself.  There is so much info there it takes two web pages!  Check out the proposed track complex for the future of PSU!  Also note the note from Ken Brinker, sort of a hero to us here at the blog.  And take a gander at Coach Groves in a jacket and tie.  Rarely do we see him so out of place.

It was very nice that the Track Program included a plug for our event right on the first page.  We'll do our best to live up to the expectations that involves.  And remember, I'm just a tiny part of this whole thing.  The real applause goes to Clark Haley, Harry Smith and so many of the other people.  Come find out what we are all about in May.

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