Monday, May 31, 2010

Blog Lives on Through Generous Benefactors. Still Time to Help!

Through the generous contributions of those attending the Reunion and Golf Tourney and several munificent non-attendees, the Blog can live on for another year.  Total contributions to the Blog total $470 this year, which will be used for web site maintenance, next year's wrist bands and other goodies as needed. (Total to-date contributions are $1860 to the blog, with only $4.70 being used personally for a Wendy's Lunch upon explicit directions from one contributor!) A checking account will soon be established in order to become "the most ethical and transparent administration track and field alumni group" Evah!  Director of Corporate Espionage and CFO Gary Black will oversee the funds in his usual rigid manner.

There are still Wrist Bands and cool battery-less flashlights left over for those wishing to contribute.  Any additional funds will be applied toward the goal of having a Car as a Hole-In-One Prize on the 18th Hole next year, our tenth anniversary, (we probably need an additional $300-$400).

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