Saturday, May 29, 2010

Specialty Awards Delight Crowd

Clark Haley takes his role seriously when awarding the "extra" prizes at the tournament awards ceremony.  This year, several new prizes were awarded.  The complete list:

  • Perfect Attendance Award- Nine years in a row!  Clark Haley, Steve Shisler, Mike McCahill, Harry Smith and David Baskwill.  
  • Longest Drive- Doug Kent won a Superman head cover. It took me two shots to pass his first one by 5 yards!  He also receives Barney the Golden Divot Tool and a golden tee.  Barney is a Rotating Prize named for Barney Ewell.
  • Longest Trip- Dave Masgay came all the way from California and won something to do with Darth Vader (but I missed it).
  • The Rob Whiteside "Brotherhood" Award- (for someone coming DESPITE not liking golf) Chris Nirschel, who showed the ultimate altruism by paying for someone else to golf!  He won a Green Jacket from the Masters, which has become a rotating prize, to be returned next year for the next recipient, (dry cleaning extra!).
  • Closest to the Pin- Steve Walsh (9' 7").  With an assist from Kay Warfel and Jeri Elder, who displayed counter-espionage tactics when insisting to those behind us that Steve utilized a 6-iron!  Steve is a great golfer and is currently with his Providence team at the NCAA Regional meet in North Carolina. Steve also received Mike the Silver Divot Tool, another rotating prize named for Mike Shine.  In addition, he received a silver tee to keep.
  • Longest Putt- Gregg Davis (15' 7") won a Bar-B-Q set and Horace the Golden Putter, the premier rotating prize named for Horace Ashenfelter III.  He also pocketed a golden tee.
  • Shot of the Day- (This time actually a good shot) went to Phil Caraher who drove the 350 yd. first green.  Phil received a ball retriever usually given for the "worst" shot.
  • Ghost Man Award for someone not seen in a while- John Ziegler who delighted me when he signed up at the last minute.  John won a PSU blue blanket.
  • The "Numb Nut" Award- (created when Steve Balkey dumped 100 golf balls because he forgot to put the range ball bucket under the dispenser when he put the token in at the Blue course) Paul Mundy for hitting a house with one of his drives using The Beast.  The sound was heard by the trailing 2 foursomes.
  • The John Doe Award- Gary Black won a bucket of tees with this award created by Clark Haley to abuse Gary for something!
  • Most Valuable Woman Golfer- Jess Riden for supplying 5 used drives to her foursome in the best-ball format.  Jess wins the first Kathy Award, a beautiful string of blue and white pearls found and purchased by Beth Shisler.  This idiot officer forgot to bring them and they will soon be whisked her way by the USPS.  Her secondary prize of skin care products from Under Your Skin will also be delivered by Beth. 

1 comment:

  1. Skwilli - The Darth Vader head cover was supposed to symbolize, " from a galaxy far, far away..." longest trip winner =


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