Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time Travel is Possible

Maybe not with a hot tub, but possible none-the-less.  And I'm using a reliable source for back-up on this one.  None other than Stephen Hawking himself.

When I think of Hawking I'm always reminded of his days as an English boarding school student being tormented by his peers, including National Lampoon's Tony Hendra for his math homework.  Only English Boarding Schools could prepare someone for a life trapped in a wheelchair with a voice synthesizer!

Apparently, Professor Hawking always thought time travel was possible, but refused to discuss it because he was afraid of the abuse he would take.  Now, he says he no longer cares what others think of him and he has let loose with many of his conjectures.  He postulates that only one-way time travel is possible.  Which means you can travel ahead in time and take a run with your great granddaughter or great grandson but not back in time to run with your great grandfather.

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