Sunday, May 2, 2010

Unprecedented Practice Round in the Shadow of Three Mile Island!

Or at least the radioactive penumbra!

Jeff Sanden, Gary Black, Mark Haywood and yours truly (three officers in one foursome) braved the perils of Central Pennsylvania in our quest to better our chances of putting our names on The Cup.   Here's a great photo of the three of them with the Three Mile Island Cooling Towers in the Background.

The round went well, as we simulated tournament conditions to the letter (hitting the drink cart girl up twice in the first 9, fudging a shot or two, cursing, scratching and making fun of each other...) with the incredible result of a tournament-best 6-under par!  I smell a berth on the Hall of Honor waiting in the wings.

Here's a recap of the disaster at TMI some of you were not even around for.


  1. The photo of the threesome (absent Skwilli) reminds me of the DaVinci Code, and it too may provoke years of inquiry. Notice how Jeff is leaning away from Gary creating the same V discussed in the mystery of our Lord. In that case it referred to the possible existence of a special woman in Christ's life. Perhaps here, the hidden message is that there was a special player in this foursome who played like a woman...then again ANY woman is likely to beat me...hence why last year I needed to nearly decapitate one attempting to preserve my ineptness for all posterity.

  2. The DaVinci Code thing sounds like an interesting angle on a future post....


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