Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is String Theory Failing?

Are the 11 dimensions of M-Theory the last word in uniting Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity?  Is String Theory a waste of time?  Is an untestable hypothesis worthy of pursuit?  Is it OK to wear your running shorts a second time before washing them?

Younger physicists are wondering whether their life's work will have any relevance at all in the understanding of our universe.  I wonder that every day.  Twenty-four years in Podiatry have led me no closer to understanding anything of significance.  Except that Medicare is a Big Black Hole.  (Black Hole is used in the Physics sense here and should not be confused with racism in any way.)


  1. Priceless. I love the Feynman diagram above - a nice play on a "penguin" diagram. Ed would shit if he saw it - at least his dog is apparently.

  2. I am intrigued by the assertion that physicists are racist for calling collapsed stars "black holes". What other terms could we use?


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