Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Birthday USA!

An amazing conglomeration of individuals argued and debated 234 years ago in Philadelphia and came up with a document starting a new nation in order to free themselves from a Monarchy that paid them little heed and yet desired ever increasing taxes.  At the end of it, the document they came up with was signed by all the crafters, making all of them subject to a death sentence for sedition by The Crown. No one of them hesitated.

One such Signer, was James Smith, lawyer in the back country west of the Susquehanna River, first in Shippensburg and finally in York, PA.

What these men did was history-changing not only for the new colonies, but for the world at large.  Their new nation took hold because of the principles they instilled in our founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, The Treaty with France, the eventual Treaty with England, and the Constitution).  Take a moment to remember these great men, and endeavor to replicate in small measure the ideals they proposed.

Happy Birthday USA, may you long live in Freedom.

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