Sunday, August 8, 2010

10 Questions: Larry Mangan

  1. What song immediately brings back memories of Penn State?  Let's Go (The Cars).
  2. What was your favorite PSU Class?  Jogging with H. R. Groves (MWF 9:00 AM).
  3. What was your best PSU Track or XC Performance?  1980 Olympic Trial 1500 M 3:39.2  Cross                      Country 29:38 10 K at Lehigh for 3rd at NCAA Div II Regionals.
  4. What is your best Coach Groves memory?   Running on the White Course, passing by the Coach when he let me  know, by way of an expletive-laden torrent of "encouragement" that he wasn't happy with my race up to that point.  I learned a few new words, as did my grandmother who was a few yards from Harry.
  5. What was your favorite haunt/watering hole in State College back in the day?  The Saloon/Lion's Den (tie).
  6. What was your least favorite workout?  The dreaded by-pass loop.
  7. Do you get back to State College at all?  Nearly every year for a football or basketball game and the occasional indoor meet.
  8. What is your most embarrassing moment while attending Penn State?  Sophomore year.  An unnamed hoopster decided to bring his date back to the room at 3:00AM.I awoke to what sounded like the soundtrack from one of those movies they used to show at Sparks.
  9. What exercising do you do?  Some walking and yoga.
  10. Which body part failed first?  At 40 my eyes decided to quit working without assistance!  Now I have glasses everywhere in the house and car.
The Rules Again for the newbies:  1.  Answer the questions.  2.  Eliminate a question.  3.  Pick a new question.(pending blog officer approval)  4.  Pick a new victim.  Blog officers will pick a new victim if someone fails to respond in a timely fashion.  Joe Clinton, that means you.

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