Thursday, August 5, 2010

Let's Gross Out the Vegans!

Not many of us Right-Coasters have ever had an In-N-Out hamburger, seeing as stores must be within driving distance of suppliers to keep their never frozen pledge.  All the suppliers are on that other coast!  But as in all cases of cult followings, the real crazies will find a way.  Sometimes it takes an obsession and other times it takes an obsession bordering on mental illness.  And God bless them.

This guy says he knows the secret to the phenomenon, but I'm skeptical. Mustard just doesn't shake my world, not even on a hot dog.

But science has provided what might be an answer that vegans may not want to hear, but heart surgeons and pharmaceutical manufacturers may herald. (Hint: A 40% fat ground beef blend seemes to be an ingredient!)  It's been a while since I have flown, but an In-N-Out "Animal Style" may get me back in an airport!

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