Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Worst Ever Injury

Somehow I ended up with Fencing as my Phys. Ed. requirement during my sophomore year.  It was probably because I had already taken Fitness and Games with Coach Groves twice, against all PSU Rules.  As long as I tapped on Coach's window before 9:00 AM on a morning run, I didn't need to show for class.  Except for Floor Hockey, my one true calling in life!

Fencing led invariably to the worst injury of my life.  I still have sequelae to this day. That's me on the left, tearing my groin with abandon.  This injury is now known as a high ankle sprain, and putting ice on it has  problems all of its own. I earned the "A" in the class on the very last day, mustering all my efforts to stretch, parry, reverse parry and thrust my epee into my semi-final opponent's chest to the roar of the crowd.  Well, I won anyway, advancing to the finals where I could no longer stretch far enough for to even touch the opponent.

What was your worst injury?  Or did anyone else have Phys. Ed. catastrophes to rival mine?

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