Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Sweetest Group on Earth?

Summer is ending. but that didn't dissuade some PSU Track Alumni Golfers from one more outing and Outreach.  This time, Hersheypark was selected because of the desire to stand in long lines and become sunburned in the process.  Barb Black, Susan Baskwill, Kelly O'Brien and assorted "youngins" braved the cell-phone carrying hordes of "youts" angling for a chance at becoming nauseated.  I just hung around looking for things to eat and only rode one ride, the Kissing Tower, a non-threatening gentle rise of 300 or so feet with 3 slow turns overlooking the Hershey countryside.  Got nauseous anyway.  Amusement Parks and I don't quite get along.  The next Outreach is in State College on September 19 at 7:00 PM at the Golden Wok.   Everyone is invited, just let me know.  This is the night prior to the Kevin Dare Benefit Golf Outing.  Eight of us will represent the group in style, with me acting as a Coach for those last minute tips that could bring victory!  (Like  "Swing as hard as you can, everyone knows the ball goes further when you hit it harder!")

Addendum:  There are 4 Wrist Bands depicted in the Photo and therefore everyone is entered in the Wrist Bands Around the World Contest with the Grand Prize of $100 to the group store.

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