Friday, August 20, 2010

Ten Questions: Doug Ludin

The answers, with a brief commentary from the peanut gallery thrown in!
1.  What song immediately brings back memories of Penn State? Funky town
2.   What was your favorite PSU class? Statics
3.   What was your best PSU Track or XC performance?  6'-10" HJ
4.   What is your best Coach Groves memory?  Coach lecturing the team one day before an early spring practice (quote) "Now that the weather is warm the scent of ***** is in the air and the short-shorts are out", that we better not  fraternize with anyone of the girls team.  As a first year walk-on I was completely intimidated. (As a 50 Year old, I'm still intimidated.)
5.   What was your favorite haunt/watering hole in State College back in the day?  Lions Den  (Everybody seems to be saying that!)        
6.   What was your least favorite workout?  Squirrel Hill  (Another popular favorite)
7.    Do you get back to State College at all?  Yes, once/year for football game (We'll get him to golf someday!)
8.   What is your most embarrassing moment while attending Penn State?  When my Duke jock blew out during a joint Mens/Womens team workout.
9.   What exercising do you currently do?  Running, mt bike, & some weights
10.  What was the best home football game you attended?  Notre Dame (back when they were good)

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