Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Photo Caption Finalists Are Named! Chicago Style Voting Commences

The Five Finalists have finally been selected for the Blog Photo contest!  Voting will commence on the left sidebar.  Chicago-style voting has been approved for use in the contest.  That doesn't mean deep-dish voting, but it does allow multiple votes per registrant, including those who are deceased. A separate computer is needed for each vote.  The winner will receive a gift card to the Creamery with sufficient funds to obtain either two cones or a 1/2 gallon of deliciousness.  Peachy Paterno and Death by Chocolate are overwhelmingly recommended by group members.

Remember, here's the photo in question:

And here's the winning entries:  (photo shows a skyward glancing "Ambassador" Jim Clelland and "0013" Gary Black lounging in the shot-gun seat of Tim Backenstose's boat on the Chesapeake Bay.

1.  Jim: "I can't believe I agreed to this."
Gary: "Yeah, Tim told ME we could go tubing..."

2.  "I can't believe I skipped my 15 miler to ride around in a boat with these guys"

3.  Jim-"Sorry, Gary, wearing your cap backwards and calling yourself "GeeBlack" doesn't make you a gangsta."

4.  "just try to look calm and no one will notice that you just peed in the cooler"

5.  Jim-"We've been on this boat trying to find a dock for 12 hours. Do you really think Tim should have another drink?"
Gary - "Who's Tim?"

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