Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Ever Blog Photo Caption Contest: Update! Ice Cream Prize!

Following our little excursion to the northern reaches of the Chesapeake Bay, this gem of a photo surfaced from the bowels of Larry Mangan's camera.  It shows a relaxed Gary Black (0013) and a contemplative Jim Clelland ("The Ambassador").  Please supply a suitable caption to the photo in the Comment area below.  The top five, as decided by me, will be eligible for a vote off to be held on the left sidebar in the near future.  The prize is a half-gallon of Creamery Ice Cream.  (For Real, I have a gift card and everything!)

Before getting things started here's a great quote from Larry this past weekend, who came up with this whole contest idea.  Hat-tip and kudos for it. The quote reflects how good PSU Track really is.

"In high school, I was the fastest miler in the state.  My Freshman year in college, I was the second fastest miler in my dorm room."


  1. If Tim speeds up just a little more, I'll get a gratuitous comb-over.

  2. "I never liked Gary all that much---maybe I should tell him."

  3. "I wish Gary would stop staring at my ass."

  4. Jim - Do these tight shorts make me look fat?

    Gary - Can I borrow your hat, the other boaters are mistaking my sunburned head for a warning buoy.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. 1. Jim-"Sorry, Gary, wearing your cap backwards and calling yourself "GeeBlack" doesn't make you a gangsta."

    2. Jim-"We've been on this boat trying to find a dock for 12 hours. Do you really think Tim should have another drink?"
    Gary - "Who's Tim?"

  7. "To be or not to be..."

  8. "OK, so we had a few drinks, we had a few laughs---now leave me alone, damn it!"

  9. "just try to look calm and no one will notice that you just peed in the cooler" LTM

  10. "I can't believe I skipped my 15 miler to ride around in a boat with these guys"

  11. (JIM) Wait - you mean you both NEVER ran a morning run... EVER....AND you lied to Coach every day?!?!

  12. Jim: "I can't believe I agreed to this."

    Gary: "Yeah, Tim told ME we could go tubing..."



Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)