Saturday, October 9, 2010

2010 Kevin Dare Benefit Golf Tournament Video: Finally!

I have to apologize to the fine folks who ran the Benefit and the many great people helping out all along the course, in the main tent area before, and the banquet area afterward.  It was a truly fine affair. I had hoped to bring more videos in a more timely fashion, but my "reality" interfered, and made it more difficult than I had imagined.  I hope to have more soon.

In trying to put perspective on the whole thing, I've thought long and hard about what it all means.  When Kevin had his accident, every one of us PSU Track Alumni, even those of  us who didn't even know about it, lost a little piece of ourselves.  Such is the bond of a group such as ours, that transcends coaches, administration, facilities and time.  We are all part of a great tradition.  Those younger than myself may not realize it yet, but we are all bound together with bonds stronger than most, maybe only exceeded by family itself.  My heart goes out to the Dare family, but I'm happy I had the privilege to celebrate his life with them.

If a piece of us was taken away following his accident, we must remember that a bigger piece was added to us each time he soared closer and closer to 17 or even 18 feet in the pole vault.  And with each Golf Tournament held in his honor, and each time we remember him in our prayers, we grow a little bit stronger and shine a little brighter.

Here's a little video of our group in action at the Dare Tourney.  This is the "B" group, although you won't be able to tell by the quality of the golf here!

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