Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"I'm More Human Now"

Despite my earlier pronouncement that I would wait for a vote among Officers, I am officially making Edison Pena of Chile an Hall of Honor recipient of Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golf.  After reading this account and interview with the BBC, his ordeal and his reaction to it deserve praise and adulation.  Not only did he worry the doctors monitoring all the miners due to his reliance on exercise regimen while trapped, he ran 8K daily while dragging a wooden cart in sweltering humid conditions!  Coach Groves would have put Edison on his team no matter what his fastest times were, possibly even making him team captain.  I hope Edison finds peace during his adjustment to "life" again.  Anyone seeing him at the New York Marathon, be sure to give him the group's best.  Photos show Edison during one of his workouts with a camera delivered through a small drill hole, and Edison running on the beach after his rescue.

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