Sunday, October 17, 2010

"None Shall Pass" (Actually, Only a Couple Did)

One against the men and 2 against the women.  It was a good showing at the Penn State National Invitational Cross-Country Meet at PSU this weekend.  A large number of quality teams participated in the event with the Men coming in second and the Women coming in third.

The finish of the Mens race was quite exciting with Kyle Dawson and Vince McNally (both Juniors!)  accelerating from the trailing pack to place second and third respectively.  All the scoring runners are improving each race, with the MIDDLE DISTANCE runners astounding everyone with their distance prowess.  Syracuse took the Mens title, trailed by PSU and Villanova, all ranked teams.

The Womens race was equally exciting with PSU placing third to Villanova and Syracuse.  PSU had a great spread of only :24 seconds.  Sophomore Brooklynne Ridder paced the squad with her 20th place finish.

In my long absence from the college XC scene I was not aware that it has become a contact sport.  Somewhere after the half mile mark there is apparently a bridge with a Black Knight not allowing passage without a fight!  A large number of participants were felled by the Knight. Two on the Alumni Team were bloodied in the melee.  I'm not aware of anyone still missing, but it certainly looks awful compared to the genteel sport I was familiar with.  We only attained marks like this when working out in Rec Hall!

  "It's Only a Flesh Wound!"

Despite starting in the very last corral (near Park Forest). the Alumni team of Dennis Pollow, Brian Fuller, Teddy Quinn, Cody Edling, Kevin Fuller, and Tim Johnson beat the Pitt Panthers and 4 other teams with their 22nd place team finish. They all looked resplendent with their Letterman Jackets at the alumni reception at our usual Damon's Haunt afterward.  I had offered my services as a 7th man, but officials would not allow my walker on the course.  I bring you this unique perspective on a XC start instead:

And here is footage smuggled in from the half-mile mark by brave survivors.  Let's hope the woods are rid of the riff-raff by the time of the NCAA Regionals!

And here are photos of current Letterman Jackets along with my size 34",  "Old School" model!

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