Monday, October 11, 2010

Ten Questions: Beth (Stever) Shisler- Hall of Honor Member

1.   What song immediately brings back memories of Penn State?
      Just one?????
       99 nuft balloons  Nena
       Safety dance     Men without hats
       Modern love       Bowie
       Thriller   Michael Jackson
We girls also listened to Rod Stewart, Rolling Stones and the Kinks  .....Lola
Not from the 80s but still fond fond memories     

2.   Who was the biggest team clown during your track years?
       We didn't clown around we were serious about running....kidding  ......maybe Gerkin was the funiest though
3.   What was your best PSU Track or XC performance?
       800 at Maryland 2.08.00
      4x800 1984 6th place Syracuse NCAAs, still standing indoor 4x800 school record

4.   What is your best Coach Groves memory?
      The modified workouts the Coach Swartz posted, which were really Coach Groves (did he at least rewrite them from the Groves' scrawl?)
      At the Keystone State Games in 1983, I ran a 2.11.9  800.  Coach Groves asked me how the hell I did that.  I told him I didn't know because I hadn't ran and was mostly roofing with my dad.  Coach said "see, that's what I am talking about".  I didn't know what he meant then and truly I thought he was mad.  But today  I think he meant that we shouldn't run all year round.

5.   What was your favorite haunt/watering hole in State College back in the day?
      "The boy's apartment" above Lion's Pride ( John Zeigler would be proud to know his apartment lingered on long after he left!)

6.   What was your least favorite workout?
      Any Cross Country's a confession...I didn't even know what Cross Country was till my first day of practice and another freshman told me what it was.   Specific workout was the fartlek workout that Coach Jordon liked to dish out.  We each picked a distance out of a hat...ugh.

7.   What was the best place you lived while at Penn State?
     In the apartment above  Lion's Pride with Holly Loht, Tracy Spalvins and Anda Spalvins.  Next door was Heidi Gerkin and Merbud.  Downstairs was Steve, Randy and Benman and next building over was Mac and Johnny Evans.  What a great time!  (You can see that academics was a priority!)
8.   What is your most embarrassing moment while attending Penn State?
      Having my head hung over a toilet and passing out there.....i have no recollection where though.

9.   What exercising do you currently do?
       Jog 2-3 x a week
       Bike 1 x a week

10.  What was the actual ratio of Morning workouts/runs reported vs. those actually done?
      I think about half until Coach Jordon met us each morning and took roll.

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