Wednesday, November 24, 2010

PSU Men Second at NCAAs: Vince McNally Takes Overall Title!

In the "Stachies at Nashies" competition by to bring awareness of Prostate Cancer.

If you ever want a laugh, ask Rob Whiteside about my "full beard" when he first met me.  An entire summer of not shaving led to an incomplete Fu Manchu I probably still couldn't complete.Another thing I'm not very good at...

Here's FloTrack's award to the Penn State Team as well as Vince McNally's T-Shirt award for the overall best mustache at NCAAs.


  1. We should do this for our get together in May.
    Couldn't be any worse than the golf.

  2. We must get Dave Felice to come! He's had a "stache" since 6th grade.


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