Friday, November 26, 2010

Ten Questions: Howard Triebold

1. What song immediately brings back memories of Penn State?
2. Who was the biggest team clown during your track years?
3. What was your best PSU Track or XC performance?
4. What is your best Coach Groves memory?
5. What was your favorite haunt/watering hole in State College back in the day.
6. What was your least favorite workout?
7. What was the best place you lived while at Penn State?
8. Who from the team do you wish you could get in contact with?
9. What exercising do you currently do?
10. What was your best non-running or track related story from a track or XC meet?

1. Hmmm, This will sound corny, but I'd have to say any of the PSU "Fight Songs."
2. Without a doubt, Paul Stemmer
3. Best perfomance - I'd guess the 1:50. I ran indoors at MSG in the 2 mile relay at National AAUs. Otherwise mediocre
4. Having him chew out Hugh Hamill and I for circling back to pick him up on a 10 mile run - then a couple days later, chewing us out because we didn't.
5. The Phyrst on Saturday night
6. "Bit*h Hill"
7. Since I was a "townee," SC can't count - so when Mike Shine, Steve Hackman & I lived in Harrisburg while student teaching (the fall after Mike took the Silver)
8. A guy that left before he graduated - Steve Groom
9. Exercising - let's see, I jump through hoops, swim upstream, run around in circles, and even run amok. With all that I don't have time for much else.
10. Best non-track story - it started out non-, but ended on the track. In Dec 1975 we went to the Atlanta Peach Bowl Marathon (which George Christopher won and Carl Bechdel was maybe 8th - I just ran the half) and then went to the Sugar Bowl - I think the first year of the Superdome . I got the "snot beat out of me" after the game by some, I assume Bama fans. Later that winter we ran against them on the boards of MSG and I smacked the Bama runner with the baton and almost ran him off the high boards (with the help of the other "board familiar runners" inthe race. Felt good at the time. . .

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