Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Winner and More Foolishness!

"Two hineys are better than one."

Anonymous has won the second photo caption contest.  I think I know who it is, but I do hope he/she confirms it with an email.  It's all so very hard to keep track of all this stuff!  We had a big turn-out of voters, or at least a few voters and some sock-puppets.  Regardless, Anonymous has won a gift certificate to The Creamery for a half gallon of deliciousness (or two cones).

Addendum:  It was Bill Malchano's entry, and I spelled his name correctly this time.  Congrats to a PSU Track And Field Alumni Golf Pioneer! 

The third photo caption contest is coming very soon, and will take us out of the Universe of PSU Track and Field Alumni, just for a change.  Everyone is eligible.  I'm hoping for another great prize in the same relative price range.  Anyone out there up for a donation?  

And now for some foolishness, which happens to be my best topic.  Certainly better than golfing or even running for sure.

  1.  The Hadron Collider has moved past the attempt to make the "God Particle" and is now concentrating on creating "A Little Bang".
  2. Actual, real scientists (well, Archeologists anyway!) have determined that Beer was one of the most determining factors in the creation of Civilization!  Some have told me that Fox News is the anti-beer, and will cause the collapse of civilization.  We'll see.  We'll see.
  3. And here's my hero, and the smartest man I have ever heard about, Richard Feynman, explaining why UFO's are "most-likely" a creation of irrational terrestrial beings.  Have I ever told you I once saw a UFO at the Pennsylvania/New York border?  It was even documented in the New York Times the next day.  No one ever explained the high altitude glowing ball many of us saw that afternoon.  I never argued I wasn't an irrational terrestrial being.

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