Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thank You, Thank You Very Much

A nearly year-end thank you to all of my "tens of readers".  In my effort to promote the Annual Harry Groves Golf Tournament and Track Alumni Reunion, I have found a voice for all the insane drivel stored in my brain.  And there's plenty more....

First up, Edison Pena's favorite vocalist, Elvis Presley,  saved a life at the Vegas Marathon last week.  Or an anesthesiologist dressed as Elvis resuscitated a stricken runner at a fast-food joint anyway.  I plan on being remarried to my wife at a Vegas ceremony with Elvis as the Preacher AND the reception entertainment. Maybe the limo driver too....

Next, how soon would an American politician be kicked out if he pulled this stunt?  "If you can't win, just pick up your ball and go home" seems to be his intellectual gift to human mediocrity!  It's as if "foreigners in underpants" is a bad thing or something.

And finally, herte's a photo to bring back those warm, fuzzy feelings from elementary school.  I can still remember my classmates sprinting to the cafeteria to be first in line.  Me, not so much.  But I was a fan of the North Halls Cheesesteaks back in the day.  And of course the world's finest dessert, strawberries and bananas.

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