Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Are Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen Fans of PSU Track?

My earlier posting of the "Neil Young/Bruce Springsteen" (really Jimmy Fallon and somebody else) version of Willow Smith's Whip Your Hair brought us a great response from PSU Track Alumni Golfer Teddy Quinn.

Turns out there is a sizable contingent of "young" PSU Track Alums who are big fans of "The Boss", (not sure about Neil Young?). (I giggle every time my 10 yo daughter says "I love that song!" whenever she recognizes an Eric Clapton tune from 1969 because of Guitar Hero.) Teddy somehow obtained tickets to the show (by hook or crook?) and can be seen in the video screen-grab just above Bruce and Stevie during the "real" musical part of the show.  That's him with the conveniently neon shirt.  Neon appears to be his best color.  It appears the far-reaching tentacles of PSU Track Alumni Golf are spreading, just as our global domination plans were written.  It is only time until our goals are realized, (insert insane deep-voiced laughter here).

For those interested, Teddy Quinn will be attending the Event this year, dragging young, vibrant (golfing) talent with him.  I may just make him the Group's Director of Fun, as fun seems to somehow follow him around (like a stalker at a late-night comedian/talk-show host's Connecticut home!)  Join Teddy and me for a tremendous weekend of Golf and merriment in May!

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