Monday, January 24, 2011

Crack Team of Intrepid Journalists Get Ever Closer to the Origin of the Cross Country (and Track) Team Cheer!

There it was, distinct as could be.  "Rusty boots!", emanating from a huddled mass of recent graduates at the start of the Penn State Open Cross Country Meet this past Fall. (They looked resplendent in their Alumni Singlets, may I add!)

I hadn't thought of it in years.  I remember the cryptic abbreviations for it in my initial correspondence from captains John Ziegler and Bruce Baden before I even matriculated.  I recall shouting it after victory in my first away XC Meet as a Freshman in Schenley Park in the mud of Pittsburgh in 1977, even before I turned 18.  And yet I never inquired as to  what it meant and where it came from! It wasn't my place.  Surely, someone would tell me sooner or later, right "And don't call me Shirley!"  They never did.

The cheer was still around the rest of my years there, but was definitely confined to the back seat, only occasionally coming out to tickle the vocal cords of a few of the most hardy among us.

When I heard snippets of it again, I couldn't believe it.  How had it survived, when most of our great 10-milers were gone (The Pine Barrens, The Deer Pens/Observatory, The Game Lands...) not to mention our great mountain runs? "I told you not to mention them"  The recent grads looked at me like I was nuts when I brought "The Cheer" up.  A prescient bunch they are!  But I vowed right then and there to get to the bottom of the whole mess.  Our Laureate passed me off to others...  Our Assistant Laureate knew no more than I...   The Keeper of the Golden Putter finally offered a glimmer of hope recently, and has some insights into the origins of it back in 1968 or so.  I hope to bring you more, but if anyone can contribute, drop me a line in the comments or by email!


  1. Dave - we did that cheer after every XC race we won the whole time I was there (that means you, too). Tim B and I were with Greg two weeks ago and determined, with the help of an unnamed alum, that the cheer predated Greg's time at PSU. Greg recalled passing the chore along to another member of the team because it wasn't his brand of poetry (as did my old roomie, Tom Rapp), not that I blame either of them. However, as a native of Pittsburgh, I led the cheer with enthusiasm and always loved the fact that it made absolutely no sense!! LTM

  2. Probably didn't remember that because I went from 7th man as a Freshman to not making it higher than 10th man thereafter! At least it was because we got better and better each year. I hate to think I got much worse.

  3. i've heard reports that it dates back to the 40's or 50's but couldn't get confirmation from Horace.

  4. I would love to get Mr. Ashenfelter to our Reunion and ask him myself. I have endeavored each year in myriad ways to get in touch with him. To no avail. I'm sure he thinks I'm nuts! (He's correct, of course, but that's beside the point.)


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