Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The "Other" Streak Continues

I can't let a week go by without a plate of Kung Pao Chicken.  (I'm not alone, as Mao Tse Tung and George Costanza loved the stuff too!) Note the strategically placed wrist band!

This version from The Nine Dragons at Disney's Epcot (Experimental, Planned Community of Tomorrow) is a good enough version. (*** out of ****)  It has actually gotten hotter and hotter over the years, which is not necessarily to my liking.  There is an optimal spiciness to the dish; more isn't necessarily better.  The Kung Pao Beef Dish at the Yak and Yeti Restaurant at Mt. Everest in Disney's Animal Kingdom has been discontinued!  And I had a hankering for it, for sure.

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