Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ten Questions: Elaine LaFramboise Pino

1. What song immediately brings back memories of Penn State?
Celebration, and Rapper’s Delight---sad, I know.

2. Who was the biggest team clown during your track years?
Seems like we laughed all the time but no one stands out as THE team clown.

3. What was your best PSU Track or XC performance?
Might not be my best, but definitely the most memorable, was my first Penn Relays. Since I grew up in Maine I had never been to the Relays (unlike all you lucky folk who went in high school). I was standing in the pens waiting for my leg of the race when I looked up into the stands-I’m sure I had a terrified/overwhelmed expression- right in front was Bill Cosby and he gave me an encouraging Let’s go Penn State! Always loved the Penn Relay's atmosphere and every year I hope to go down and watch (haven’t made it yet) Actual best was 2:11.2 for 800m.

4. What is your best Coach Groves memory?
Just that he was always there. When I went with my son to (finally) see the new Indoor facility a few years ago, we ran into Coach, who launched into some great stories which amused Andrew! (Go figure, Coach had stories....) Last Spring I went to a meet while picking kids the up for the semester, things seemed strangely awry without him trackside.

5. What was your favorite haunt/watering hole in State College back in the day.
Embarrassed to say Mr. C’s, complete with disco floor! I’ll redeem myself by saying I also frequented the Phyrst!

6. What was your least favorite workout?
Hickey Hill, Squirrel Hill, B*tch Hill, doesn’t matter what you call it, I hated it!
Another Squirrel Hill Hater!  There sure are a lot of those!

7. What have you done (professionally) since leaving PSU and what are you doing now and where?
I work as an RN in a Newborn Intensive Care Unit in NH.

8. Who from the team do you wish you could get in contact with?
I would love to see Sue Lindner, we always roomed together on trips but lost touch with her shortly after graduating.

9. What exercising do you currently do?
I run 3-4mi/day sometimes more, still feels wrong if I don’t get a run in. Finished (in a poor imitation of running) a ½ Marathon, which confirmed what I already knew-I am not a distance runner. Had/have a goal to run at least one marathon but after that experience not sure I’ll actually do it.
Just remember to start slow and taper off and you'll be fine!

10. What was your best non-running or track related story from a track or XC meet?
After Nationals in Pocatello, Idaho we drove up into the Tetons, Jackson Hole and to the gates of Yellowstone (the entrance was still closed for the winter). It was gorgeous and we had a blast. I would love to get back there someday.

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